studi e ricerche

Motor deficits in autism differ from that of developmental coordination disorder

Autism spectrum disorders and developmental coordination disorders are both associated with sensorimotor impairments, yet their nature and specificity remain unknown. In order to clearly distinguish the specificity between the two disorders, children with autism spectrum disorder or developmental coordination disorder presenting the same degree of motor impairment, thus homogeneous profiles, were examined in a reach-to-displace paradigm, which allows the integrity of two main aspects of motor control (anticipation/feedforward control and movement correction/feedback control) to be separately interrogated. We manipulated children’s previous knowledge of the weight of the object they were to displace: when known, participants could anticipate the consequences of

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Virtual reality to manage anxiety in older adults: the FBK study highlights promising results

Exposure of people with cognitive and physical impairment to realistic and natural immersive virtual reality scenarios via a viewer is safe and has an impact on promoting the state of relaxation and positive emotions. This is the general picture that emerged from the survey conducted by researcher Susanna Pardini, from the University of Padua and a doctoral student at the Digital Health and Wellbeing Center at Fondazione Bruno Kessler, titled “Use of Personalized Virtual Environments in People with Cognitive Impairment.” The study, conducted between January and February of this year, involved 23 seniors (of whom 19 women), with an average age of 86.6 years,

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Increasing the Social Interaction of Autism Child using Virtual Reality Intervention (VRI)

Nowadays there is an increase in number of autisms, a neuro-developmental disorder across the world. The level of autism varies with the symptoms such as inattention, interaction, social communication, repetitive behaviors, irritability and the like. Early recovery of a child from autism is necessary to live in a normal socio-communicable life. To measure the inattention of the autism child by enhancing the visual perception through virtual environment. The proposed Virtual Reality Intervention (VRI) enhances visual perception, learning, and social interaction. The proposed method observes the attention level of the autism child through eye tracking or eye movements who interacts with

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Effect of TDCS in Children with Autism

The three basic signs of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) include limited or repetitive interests and activities, poor language and communication, and trouble interacting with others. People with autism have a broken cerebellum-prefrontal brain connection. The functional and anatomical specialization of cortical areas important in motor control, language, and social interaction is hampered by the disruption of specific cerebral-cerebellar networks. Seizures, somatosensory irregularities, sleep issues, and gastrointestinal symptoms are just a few of the ailments that autism is often linked to. Objectives: The goal of this study is to determine the effects of tDCS therapy on children with autism. Methodology: A

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Implementing Affordable Virtual Reality Interventions for Older Adults in Latin America: A Feasibility Study

Virtual Reality (VR)-based meditation has shown to help reduce, stress, anxiety, sadness, and anger in younger adults. However, this has not been extensively studied in older adults. Furthermore, there are no standard guidelines on how VR mindfulness interventions should be implemented to ensure successful adoption and outcomes in different cultures and languages. The availability of affordable hardware and rapidly growing content that can be freely accessed in the public domain raises the possibility of VR being used globally and in a very broad range of settings, including low and middle-income countries. The goal of this study is to describe and

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Virtual Reality in Education

This research paper explains what virtual reality is. What are two features driving virtual reality in food, medical, entertainment, education, industrial, military sectors and other major virtual reality applications? Examples of virtual reality in education-ease of management, device allocation Benefits of VR in education, including faster retrieving and deleting, better security, and better support for remote students. What are the benefits of virtual reality in education? What are the disadvantages of virtual reality in the education system? Virtual reality education frontier How is virtual reality changing the education industry? How will virtual reality impact educational learning? Why is it difficult

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Auditory Domain Sensitivity and Neuroplasticity-Based Targeted Cognitive Training in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sensory processing, along with the integration of external inputs into stable representations of the environment, is integral to social cognitive functioning; challenges in these processes have been reported in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) since the earliest descriptions of autism. Recently, neuroplasticity-based targeted cognitive training (TCT) has shown promise as an approach to improve functional impairments in clinical patients. However, few computerized and adaptive brain-based programs have been trialed in ASD. For individuals with sensory processing sensitivities (SPS), the inclusion of some auditory components in TCT protocols may be aversive. Thus, with the goal of developing a web-based, remotely accessible intervention

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Virtual reality and well-being in older adults: Results from a pilot implementation of virtual reality in long-term care

Introduction: This paper describes the findings of a pilot implementation project that explored the potential of virtual reality (VR) technology in recreational programming to support the well-being of older adults in long-term care (LTC) homes. Methods: 32 Adults in four LTC homes participated in a pilot implementation project where they viewed VR experiences of popular locations in Canada created especially for this project. Data in this paper are based on multiple viewing experiences (n = 102) over a two-week period. Results: VR appeared to be an effective distraction from pain for the participants. Participants of this study found the VR

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Effect of virtual reality exercise on interventions for patients with Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review

Virtual reality (VR) interventions are increasingly being used in rehabilitating and treating patients with neurological disorders. This study aimed to explore the effects of VR exercise interventions for patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A systematic review of the published literature on randomized controlled trials of VR technology applied to patients with AD was conducted using the preferred reporting entry for systematic reviews and Meta-analysis guidelines. Descriptive analyses were performed to assess the quality of the studies in terms of the characteristics of the included studies, samples, diagnoses, types of VR technologies, subjective and objective levels of immersion, and quality of

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Computational Thinking and Coding for Kids Training for Elementary School Teachers

Computational thinking and coding are thinking skills that are recently expected to be acquired by elementary school children as the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 requires students to be familiar with the use of technology. In some developed countries, the two skills have been included in elementary school curriculum. However, the situation is different in the context of Indonesia since teachers or instructors who are able to provide these skills are inadequate. Therefore, this training was intended to socialize and educate the application of coding and computational thinking, especially to elementary school teachers so that they have the ability

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