studi e ricerche

The use of virtual reality in the treatment of autism

Introduction The characteristics of the Autistic Spectrum Disorder involve deficits in social communication and repetitive patterns of behavior and that there is a growing interest in the use of new technologies for neurorehabilitation. Objectives This research aimed to verify the possibility of using Virtual reality for the treatment of Autism. Methods Scientific publications were selected from the PUBMED, ScieLO, LILACS and Google Scholar databases, written in Portuguese and English, with free access, between 2014 and 2019. Results A total of 19 publications were identified. Concerning their design, 26,3% of them were experimental, 21,1% qualitative, 21,1% one-group pretest-posttest, 15,8% quasi-experimental, 10,5%

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How older adults respond to the use of Virtual Reality for enrichment: a systematic review

Virtual Reality (VR) has been increasingly used for enrichment in later life. This review aims to investigate what is currently known about this topic. Following the PRISMA guidelines, fifteen articles were included for in-depth review. The review indicates that this topic is being explored by researchers in multiple disciplines. The VR systems in the studies reviewed ranged from fully immersive to less immersive systems. For most study participants, emotions were positively changed after experiencing VR. Participants enjoyed travel-based applications, social interaction, and reminiscing about things in new and interesting ways with the blending of multisensory experiences. VR experiences were improved

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Neuro-Empowerment of Executive Functions in the Workplace: The Reason Why

The successful achievement of pre-established working goals and the ability to respond appropriately to workplace demands depends both on efficient and flexible cognitive and social functioning. Previous research has proposed that executive functions (EFs) play an essential role in work performance, with successful professionals displaying better social, cognitive, and executive functioning (Bailey, 2007; Willoughby and Blair, 2016). Therefore, the demand of assessment procedures and empowerment protocols dedicated to the EFs is growing rapidly. EFs are considered a family of top-down mental processes including inhibition (self-control and interference control), working memory, and cognitive flexibility (Miyake et al., 2000; Diamond, 2013). They are high-level cognitive functions

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Scope of Virtual Reality to Autism Intervention

With increased computing power, modern-day gadgets come with built-in rich graphics that can employ Virtual Reality (VR) to project realistic scenarios to the user. There had been a wide array of VR-based applications ranging from entertainment to intervention, education, rehabilitation, healthcare, etc. Specifically, VR-based applications are no more limited only in the area of expensive toys. Its applicability has transitioned to design of academic modules for education, serious games targeted towards intervention, game engines that can offer varying degrees of challenge to individuals with motor disorders, etc. Since the focus of this book is related to different aspects of autism,

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Effectiveness of Cognitive Training for School-Aged Children and Adolescents With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review

Problems with executive functions (EF) are hallmark characteristics of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Therefore, this review analyzed the efficacy of cognitive training for EF in reducing ADHD symptomatology and improving educational, interpersonal, and occupational outcomes in children and adolescents with this disorder. A systematic search, using a PICO (population/participant, intervention/indicator, comparator/control, outcome) framework was carried out. From 2008 to 2018, resorting to EBSCOhost, the following databases were searched: Academic Search Complete, ERIC, MEDLINE with Full Text, PsycARTICLES, PsycINFO, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Twenty-two studies were included in this review. Of the 18 studies that reported performance-based measures of

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Simulare per RI_Connettere. VR per i disturbi dello spettro autistico

I disturbi ASD sono sindromi neuro comportamentali complessi; viaggiare, stare in posti affollati, fare una visita medica, approcciare un coetaneo, andare all’Università, sono solo alcuni esempi che possono generare condizioni di ansia e che, spesso, dis_connettono il soggetto dalla vita reale. L’o-biettivo della ricerca è quello di sperimentare l’utilizzo di tecnologie innovative per favorire gli scambi relazionali e funzionali tra persone con autismo e persone neuro tipiche, per favorire l’autonomia individuale delle persone con autismo, nella gestione del quotidiano e nella comunicazione sociale, soprattutto nell’età evolutiva e adulta. Nell’ambito di un progetto di ricerca è in corso di sperimenta-zione la

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Effects of virtual reality-based cognitive training in older adults living without and with mild dementia: a pretest–posttest design pilot study

Objective Modern technologies are increasingly used in the development of cognitive interventions for older adults. Research into possible applications of virtual reality in such interventions has begun only recently. The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of 8 sessions of VR-based cognitive training using the GRADYS game in healthy older adults (n = 72; aged 60–88) and older adults living with mild dementia (n = 27; aged 60–89). Results Older adults with mild dementia demonstrated worse baseline cognitive performance than participants without dementia. Both groups showed progress in training, which was greater in healthy older adults. There were also significant differences

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Le nuove tecnologie possono supportare la comunicazione di persone autistiche? Esempi applicativi – Parte 2

Le nuove Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione promuovono la capacità di anticipazione e la strutturazione del tempo nelle persone autistiche. Diversi sono i progetti nati per assistere e compensare le difficoltà che possono presentare le persone con una sindrome dello spettro autistico. Le Tecnologie dell’Informazione e della Comunicazione (TIC) promuovono la capacità di anticipazione e la strutturazione del tempo e delle attività.

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Le nuove tecnologie possono supportare la comunicazione di persone autistiche? – Parte 1

Comunicare può sembrare una questione banale, ma per una persona autistica non è così. Le nuove tecnologie informatiche vanno incontro ai loro bisogni Se comunicare può sembrare una questione banale, in cui è naturale sentirsi padroni della situazione ed essere in grado di stabilire come andranno i rapporti con il nostro interlocutore, per una persona autistica non è così, a causa della difficoltà nell’entrare in contatto con gli altri. Tra gli strumenti in grado di andare incontro ai bisogni di prevedibilità, concretezza e stabilità, stanno riscontrando risultati positivi e una sempre maggiore diffusione le tecnologie informatiche.

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Instructional Videomodeling to Teach Mothers of Children with Autism to Implement Discrete Trials: A Systematic Replication

Abstract The high number of Autism Spectrum Disorder’s (ASD) cases determines a great need for specialized service for this population. This is particularly critical, considering the intensity required according to the specialized literature. Parental training may be an affordable alternative to provide this intervention with a high integrity and less costs, and tools such as videomodeling may facilitate the efficiency of such training procedures. This work aimed to evaluate, with strict experimental control, the efficiency of instructional videomodeling while training parents of children with ASD to implement Discrete Trial Instruction. Three mother-child dyads participated: Beatriz (27 years) and Luan (3

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