studi e ricerche

Virtual reality among the elderly: a usefulness and acceptance study from Taiwan

Virtual reality (VR) has several applications in the medical domain and also generates a secure environment to carry out activities. Evaluation of the effectiveness of VR among older populations revealed positive effects of VR as a tool to reduce risks of falls and also improve the social and emotional well-being of older adults. The decline in physical and mental health, the loss of functional capabilities, and a weakening of social ties represent obstacles towards active aging among older adults and indicate a need for support. Existing research focused on the effects of VR among older populations, and its uses and

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La funzione del training cognitivo nello sport

Training cognitivo: quali sono le funzioni cognitive su cui agisce e come può essere utile per migliorare la pratica sportiva Negli ultimi anni lo studio delle funzioni cognitive e del loro incremento, attraverso il training cognitivo, ha ricevuto una particolare attenzione, non solo in campo clinico, ma anche in altri campi applicativi. L’obiettivo che il training cognitivo si pone è quello di migliorare le funzioni cognitive attraverso degli esercizi mirati, che frequentemente utilizzano le tecnologie informatiche. Il training cognitivo dimostra la sua validità anche nel contesto sportivo, in quanto migliora la flessibilità di risposta cognitiva, incrementa i processi attentivi e potenzia la velocità di esecuzione delle performance.

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The Potential Role for Cognitive Training in Sport: More Research Needed

Sports performance at the highest level requires a wealth of cognitive functions such as attention, decision making, and working memory to be functioning at optimal levels in stressful and demanding environments. Whilst a substantial research base exists focusing on psychological skills for performance (e.g., imagery) or therapeutic techniques for emotion regulation (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy), there is a scarcity of research examining whether the enhancement of core cognitive abilities leads to improved performance in sport. Cognitive training is a highly researched method of enhancing cognitive skills through repetitive and targeted exercises. In this article, we outline the potential use of

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Impact of Virtual Reality (VR) Experience on Older Adults’ Well-Being

Aging often leads to decreased social engagement. While technology has the potential to improve the quality of life among older adults, not much is known about effects of new technologies, including virtual reality (VR) applications, on their well-being. This paper reports on a field study conducted with older adults in assisted living communities to understand how use of a VR system may contribute to their emotional and social well-being. During the study, a two-week intervention was done with an experimental group that used a VR system to view contents related to travel and relaxation, and a control group that used

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The Effects of Videomodeling on Fundamental Motor Skill Performance of Middle School Children with Intellectual Disabilities

Proficiency in fundamental motor skills (FMS) is important for the health and overall development of children. Using a multiple-baseline-across-participants single-subject design, this study provided preliminary data on the effectiveness of videomodeling (VM) displayed via an iPad on the acquisition and maintenance of the standing long jump (SLJ) by six middle school children with moderate intellectual disabilities (ID). The study also explored whether the participant’s initial gross-motor development and off-task behaviors while watching instructional videos affected the acquisition of SLJ. Results demonstrated an increase in the number of correctly performed SLJ critical elements during the implementation of VM for all participants

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Biofeedback Training in Crisis Managers: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Working in crisis environments represents a major challenge, especially for executive personnel engaged in directing disaster operations, i.e. crisis managers. Crisis management involves operating under conditions of extreme stress resulting, for instance, from high-level decision-making, principal responsibility for personnel, multitasking or working under conditions of risk and time pressure. The present study aimed to investigate the efficacy of a newly developed biofeedback training procedure based on electrodermal activity, especially designed for the target group of crisis managers. The training comprised exercises promoting acquisition of control over sympathetic arousal under resting conditions and during exposure to visual, acoustic and cognitive stressors

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Core executive functions are associated with success in young elite soccer players

Physical capacity and coordination cannot alone predict success in team sports such as soccer. Instead, more focus has been directed towards the importance of cognitive abilities, and it has been suggested that executive functions (EF) are fundamentally important for success in soccer. However, executive functions are going through a steep development from adolescence to adulthood. Moreover, more complex EF involving manipulation of information (higher level EF) develop later than simple executive functions such as those linked to simple working memory capacity (Core EF). The link between EF and success in young soccer players is therefore not obvious. In the present

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Miglioramento del funzionamento cognitivo negli adulti anziani sani: una revisione sistematica della rilevanza clinica dell’allenamento cognitivo basato sui computer

Successfully assisting older adults to maintain or improve cognitive function, particularly when they are dealing with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), remains a major challenge. Cognitive training may stimulate neuroplasticity thereby increasing cognitive and brain reserve. Commercial brain training programs are computerized, readily-available, easy-to-administer and adaptive but often lack supportive data and their clinical validation literature has not been previously reviewed. Therefore, in this review, we report the characteristics of commercially available brain training programs, critically assess the number and quality of studies evaluating the empirical evidence of these programs for promoting brain health in healthy older adults,

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Do Elite and Amateur Soccer Players Outperform Non-Athletes on Neurocognitive Functioning? A Study Among 8-12 Year Old Children

Aim Research suggested a positive association between physical fitness and neurocognitive functioning in children. Aim of the present study is to investigate possible dose-response relationships between diverse daily physical activities and a broad range of neurocognitive functions in preadolescent children. Furthermore, the relationship between several sedentary behaviours, including TV-watching, gaming and computer time, and neurocognitive functioning will be investigated in this group of children. Methods A total of 168 preadolescent boys, aged 8 to 12 years, were recruited from various locations, including primary schools, an amateur soccer club, and a professional soccer club, to increase variability in the amount of

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3D-Multiple Object Tracking training task improves passing decision-making accuracy in soccer players

Objectives The ability to perform a context-free 3-dimensional multiple object tracking (3D-MOT) task has been highly related to athletic performance. In the present study, we assessed the transferability of a perceptual-cognitive 3D-MOT training from a laboratory setting to a soccer field, a sport in which the capacity to correctly read the dynamic visual scene is a prerequisite to performance. Design Throughout pre- and post-training sessions, we looked at three essential skills (passing, dribbling, shooting) that are used to gain the upper hand over the opponent. Method We recorded decision-making accuracy during small-sided games in university-level soccer players (n = 23) before and

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